Ask and it will be given to you; seek and you will find; knock and the door will be opened to you.
(Matthew 7:7)
This is a source of genuine confusion in the body of Christ. God is almighty. Therefore, it is jarring when despite the passionate prayers, He seems unperturbed and silent.
Garnered from personal experience, keen observation and study, here are actions you can take if you find yourself in such a situation.
1. Check for Sin
Nothing puts God off more than this, no matter its size or frequency. He wants us holy and undefined. Conduct a critical assessment of your life and return to Calvary for cleansing if need be. He never turns a sincere child away.
2. Check the Time
Is it God’s will to grant your request at this stage of your life? Is that request consistent with His divine plans for you? It may be that He has something better in store for you, just not at the moment.
3. Check your Motives
God is not committed to anything that does not contribute to His Kingdom’s advancement. Any pride, ambition, or other ulterior motives hidden anywhere? This is a great hindrance.
4. Check for Doubt
Deep down, do you really believe He can meet that need, or do you secretly feel it’s way too big even for Him? Kill doubt and exercise faith in God because He deals in the impossible.
5. Count Your Blessings
Sometimes, delay is a mechanism used by God to correct several things about your life. In your waiting, there are blessings. You just need to settle down and count them.
6. Engage God’s Promises
God is touched by our infirmities but moved to action only by His promises, not good works or anything else.
7. Sing Praises
This is a spiritual weapon that provokes God to action. Praise wholeheartedly, even before you see the answers. Thank Him in advance.
In conclusion, never stop asking. Don’t lose hope. Understand that when God wants to come big, He usually comes late.
And He will come through for you.